About the ECCRN
Established in 2018 by Dr. David Brewster (Kanazawa College of Art) and Dr. Ikuo Aizawa (Rissho University), the Early Career Criminology Research Network of Japan (ECCRN) is an interdisciplinary network for early career scholars who are undertaking research related to issues of crime, deviancy, criminalisation and control.
The ECCRN has six overarching objectives:
to support the development of early career criminology researchers and identify opportunities to advance their careers;
to provide a friendly and social environment which encourages comradeship amongst peers;
to encourage research collaboration;
to engage with foreign early career researchers working in Japan, as well as those located internationally;
to facilitate the internationalization of criminological research conducted in Japan;
to advance and promote the field of criminology in Japan.
The network is not sponsored by any particular learned society. Rather, in the spirit of interdisciplinarity, participation is open to those from a wide range of relevant disciplinary backgrounds. This includes, but is not limited to: sociology; law; psychology; history; politics; philosophy; anthropology; and biology etc.
An individual is defined as an "Early career" scholar if they meet any of the following criteria:
Enrolled in a postgraduate program at an institution of higher education;
Graduated from their PhD program no more than 5 years at the time of joining;
Under the age of 40.
This includes a range of individuals, such as Masters and Doctoral students, Research Assistants, Senior Researchers, Postdoctoral Researchers, and Assistant Professors etc.
We also welcome those who fall outside of these criteria - such as established academics, practitioners, and policy-makers - to support the Network and become ECCRN Supporters.
If you are interested in becoming a Member or Supporter of the ECCRN, click on the "Join/Log In" button from the website menu and fill out the application form.